Breaking Free from Toxic Relationship Patterns
What are toxic relationship patterns? A toxic relationship is one that consistently undermines your sense of well-being, happiness and/or safety. You may find yourself in a pattern of relationships that affect your emotional and mental health. Signs of toxic relationships are relationships that: Identify Patterns It can help to identify toxic relationship patterns by taking […]
7 Reasons to have counselling – before you hit a crisis point.
Reasons to have counselling – there can be so many. But a conversation recently struck me, after talking with some friends. That many people don’t think of it as something you do unless you’ve ‘reached the end of your tether’. And I thought this was quite sad. Like many people, you may not have considered […]
The Courage to Say ‘No’: Navigating Boundaries in Your 30s
Hello there, Do you want to find the courage to Say ‘No’? Have you found yourself saying “yes” when you really wanted to say “no”? Do you prioritize others’ needs over your own, only to feel exhausted and overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Many people in their 30s struggle with the art of setting boundaries. But […]
How To Go From People-Pleasing at Work to Boundaried and Brilliant
Are you people-pleasing at work and ending up frustrated that you still have mountains of tasks, whilst others are swanning off for an early lunch? Do you end up taking on more and more responsibility but the rewards are lacking? Does saying ‘No’ to your manager or co-worker fill you with dread or guilt? If […]